
Spiritual awakening sacred geometry symbols and meanings
Spiritual awakening sacred geometry symbols and meanings

It is also why symbolism is so important within Literature. Symbolism is powerful, it is why the ancient Shamans use totems and spirits within their work in the Otherworlds. These are all symbols that we project with our thoughts and actions. You still give meaning to them within your dream just like you give meaning to the symbols that you utilize within your daily existence in waking reality so how are they remotely different? Think about it, they’re really not that much different at all, the power of the symbol rules are existence for how we shape and form the world around us. Are the symbols in the dream or the symbols in your real life much different now? However when you wake up, it was only a dream afterall none of it was real or was it? The symbols you attributed towards the dream sure felt real at the time but the world itself now seems like a distant memory or a fabrication of your subconscious mind. sleep within your subconscious mind dreaming in this world you created. When you are in the state of dreaming, do you honestly consider that the forest your walking through or the person you are talking to within your dream is fake? No at that particular moment in time you are blatantly in R.E.M.

spiritual awakening sacred geometry symbols and meanings

Now how are the dream symbols and your symbols you use in everyday life different? Besides the fact that one may exist and one may not exist they are in truth not very different at least the way your consciousness perceives them. Life is made of endless symbols just like the very same symbols you encounter within a dream. Your dining room table, a chair, a desk, your coffee cup these are all symbols that show meaning towards how we utilize them within our life. If we didn’t have that symbol of the stop sign well let’s just say we’d face more problems than we need…If you look around your room, right now you can see you are surrounded by symbols you give definition and meaning to your everyday life. A stop sign is a stop sign because we created a hexagonal shape that means to stop your vehicle.

spiritual awakening sacred geometry symbols and meanings

Symbols are all around us they help shape and form the world around us because we are the ones who give meaning to symbols not the other way around.

Spiritual awakening sacred geometry symbols and meanings