
Goodtask 3
Goodtask 3

goodtask 3

That brings us to this new app, GoodTask. By selecting the All option I now see all of my ToDo’s neatly sorted by list (kind of nifty) BUT there are those pesky things I must do in August! I could of course hide that list but then what if I forget I hid the list and miss something? I am very forgetful… ask my wife. Then, in the second pic, you see the other issue – my pet peeve. I also have idea what Lists have other Todo’s in them because there is not the nifty counter next to the list name as in Apple’s Reminders app. In the first pic below is one issue – If I select Today I only see ToDo’s that are dated for today or are overdue. It also includes a Tasks section (Apple’s Calendar app does not) AND it syncs with Apple’s Reminders. Simply put it allows me to work faster, create dates quicker and looks great. This is the app I use instead of the Apple Calendar app. I use this app ALL the time though because I can share lists with other people who do not have Apple products! My student helpers, my Band Council, my Band Boosters and fellow teachers – we all use it! (By the way you DO know you can share these lists with other Apple users right? See that list “From Dad”? that’s the list I share with my son’s!) Great app but as I like creating ToDo’s with SIRI this one doesn’t fit my bill totally. So, I like creating ToDo’s with SIRI through the Reminders app but really do not like to view things here! My Inbox says 0 but as you can see from the counts I certainly have stuff to take care of.

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Second problem is that I have to jump to each individual list, unless the ToDo is actually scheduled as they are here. First problem is there are all those things I have to do in August that I don’t want to see. Yes, I love talking to my phone – even though it doesn’t always get it right, most time it is faster than typing it in when I am in the middle of a class or just finishing a rehearsal and need to make a note (which is frequently!) Here is a screen shot of what I see in that app though…. I use this app because I can schedule things through SIRI. The problem that I have been running into though in several other apps is that I don’t want to see those items on my list of To-Do’s until it is time to actually do them! Here we are in March and I really do not want to think about Band Camp stuff that is coming up in August and July. In my To-Do List I like to create yearly reminders of things I need to do at specific times.

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I promised I would update you on how well GoodTask works and some of you had questions about the filters and how they worked.

Goodtask 3